
Please fill out all the forms below and bring them to your first appointment.


What is involved in the assessment process?

None of the testing is invasive. The information is collected primarily through paper and pencil type tests, practical problem solving tests (some may be computerized) and answering of questions. There are often questionnaires to complete. The tests are carefully chosen depending on the needs of the patient and are well-researched.

How long does it take?

Depending on the complexity of the assessment, the one-to-one testing component takes between 3 and 8 hours. More complex assessments are usually done across two to three individual sessions. The individual assessment schedule is reviewed with and approved by the patient prior to starting the process.

How do I prepare for my assessment session?

Please try to have a good night’s rest on the night before the evaluation and a healthy meal prior to arriving to your appointment. If you are an adult undergoing an assessment, please refrain from consuming any alcohol or illicit drugs at least two days before the assessment.Please bring eyeglasses, hearing aids and any other assistive devices to all sessions. If you have had prior assessment or have pertinent lab or other medical results, please have them faxed to 415-906-7726.

How much does an assessment cost?

After an initial consultation, an estimate of the cost of the assessment will be given. The cost is determined by the complexity of the case and amount of hours estimated for the assessment, interpretation and report writing. Accepted payments include cash, check, Visa/Mastercard or PayPal e-transfer. We do not currently accept debit cards. Assessments for medical-legal purposes tend to be more expensive since they require longer and more complex assessments and reports.

Please contact us to schedule an initial consultation.
